The premiere of the hit series Pablo Escobar, The Drug lordon French Television channel France O this past 9th of March has had a huge impact not only on French audiences, but on the French press as well. The super production has arrived in 5 different continents and has recently arrived on DVD in Mexico and North America. Pablo Escobar, The Drug lord was also among the Top 50 formats that has changed the Read more...
The director of Marcados por la muerte, conversed with TVMAS, about the original Turner production for channel TruTV and which began for the first time in Brazil. Now the producer BE-TV, takes the series to Colombia under the direction of Andrés Wiesner. “I am happy with the result. It was long, hard and difficult work; it goes a bit with the channel’s slogan, ‘common people with extraordinary stories’ and for Read more...
The series Pablo Escobar: “El patrón del mal” is the only Latin title selected as one of the 50 formats that have changed the global TV industry, according to, under The (W) it list, issued by MIPTV and MIPCOM communities, well known fairs in this field. The Wit, Swiss-based agency that studies TV trends worldwide, presents this list, and during the commemoration of its 50th anniversary, will award this Read more...
TITULO: Discovery nombra a Felipe Cabrales Urdaneta, gerente general de su oficina en Colombia SUBIDA: Bajo su cargo, será responsable de las áreas de negocio y el desarrollo de acuerdos publicitarios de la compañía TEXTO: Con base en Bogotá, Cabrales reportará a Allan Navarrete, VP sénior y gerente general para México, Centroamérica y Colombia, de Dscovery Networks Latin America/U.S. “Confiamos en que Felipe aportará a Discovery su demostrado éxito a Read more...