In December, the TDLC (Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia) in Chile limited the option of offering fixed and mobile telephony, broadband and TV together to households From 2014 all the country’s telecommunication companies will offer plans for fixed and mobile services to their customers, in bundled form. Today they are only entitled to use that mode with fixed telephone, fixed broadband and Pay TV. The change will allow Read more...
One of the most anticipated activities of the event, will take place on June 25 and 26,under the title: Connectorization and Measurements of F.O., lasting 8 hours, in charge of the specialists in the subject, Pablo Vicino and Eng. Damián Brazionis. The telecomunication technology FTTH (Fiber To The Home), framed within the technologies FTTx, is based on the use of fiber optic cables and optical distribution adapted to this technology to provide advanced services such as the Triple Play (telephony, broad band Internet and television) to household Read more...
Available in over 150 countries and 8 languages, exclusively for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices This is the first mobile app available in more than 150 countries and 8 languages including English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish (Latin America) and Spanish (Spain). The app is available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices and features 3D characters, and environments based on CG-animated series. In the app Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Read more...
En Perú: Viettel será el cuarto operador móvil a partir de 2013 .- Además, también brindará servicio banda ancha de alta velocidad Después de obtener un contrato de concesión de la banda ancha de 1900 MHz con el Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones en 2011, Viettel se suma a la lucha por el mercado de las telecomunicaciones dando batalla a gigantes como Telefónica, Claro y Nextel. Su meta a un Read more...